Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ice Breaker Questionare

So someone sent this to me via facebook and I thought it was kinda funny. These are "icebreaker" questions to ask on a date. Maybe if I had these 90% of my dates wouldn't have been awkward.

*When is your Birthday: June 19, 1989. Same day as Garfield!
*What was your nickname in high school: Barbie
*What do you do for exercise: Spin and kick boxing, maybe if I told guys that they wouldn't act lame sometimes.
*What is on your bedside table: Picture of Ella, Kylee, Kirsten and I; Scriptures; Miracle of Forgiveness; car keys; necklace; empty gum pack; notebook.
*What is your best Halloween costume: Either Poison Ivy or a Ninja Turtle; both homemade and both Bad A$$!
*If you could be any cartoon character what would it be: Jessica Rabbit, Have you seen her? She is bangin!
*Where is your favorite Hiking trail: Mount Timpanogos. That is totally spelled wrong
*Name a singer you can't stand the sound of: Miley Cyrus, I here her voice and I throw up in my mouth
*Coke or Pepsi: Definitely Pepsi unless it's diet and then I'm a coke fan
*If you were to perform in a circus what would you do: Stick me head inside the lions mouth.
*What is the best restaurant you ever ate at: In N Out!
*What's your favorite Holiday: 4th of July, it's warm and there are fireworks
*Tell me about your first road trip in your first car: Let's see, drove up to Salt Lake in my bug with Tia and Kylee. Got a flat tire. Stranger helped with flat tire. Tia and Kylee gave stanger address and phone number. Took my car to the shop. Walked 2 miles to hair show. Awesome.
*If you could get free air fare, what country would you visit: Idaho, I know it's a state but I want to see Alan, Kiersten and Bri and have you met the people from Rexburg, they are practically from another country.
*What is your favorite curse word: It depends on the moment but damn is always good; hell works and on occasion S**T.
*What's your favorite smell: The smell of a salon or the smell of a car or boat when it revs its engine, I have no idea what that is called.
*What is your favorite cereal: Trix, they are for kids
*When was the last time you fired a gun: On a date a few years ago. Why I let some strange guy take me out shooting, I don't know.
*Have you ever gone skinny dipping or streaking: I went skinny dipping last week for the first time and streaking no.
*What body part to you get caught looking at the most: On me or another person? On guys I look at their wedding ring finger. I don't like flirting with married men. I wish there was a gay finger I hate hitting on gay men as well.
*What is your favorite food: Chicken rolls, flaming hot cheetos or corndogs.
*Do you like to dance: Oh yes. Jodi says I don't have any rhythm but she has never seen me drop it like it's hot.
*What was your favorite childhood T.V. show: I really like Barney, I was always so disappointed when I would turn it on and it would be over. My kids will never have to suffer that heartbreak thanks to DVR.
*Are all people truly created equal: People are created equal but as they grow up some people need to be kicked in the nuts or beheaded AKA Obama and Rosie O' Donnel
*What is your favorite season and why: SUMMER!!! Hello tans, shorts, flip flops, everyones a lot sexier in the summer!
*What makes you laugh: I think the list wouldn't be shorter if I was asked what makes you not laugh, Dad's gas would be on that list.
*What shocks or offends you: I grew up in a house with 5 boys, Chance and Ian are my best friends. Nothing shocks me and people who tell me girls suck offends me. Someone should junk punch them.
*Do you have any pet peeves: Woman you try to make their daughter grow up too fast, if your daughter is 8 she does not need highlights; when someone says something funny and then 3 seconds later they say "I was like..." ya I know I just heard you; guys who pull up next to me and try to get me to roll down my window, Do they really think I'm going to give them my number?; half black girls that don't like me, I feel like that happens pretty frequently.
*What is your ideal of an ideal boyfriend: Active LDS, funny, hard working. oh ya and not a freaking girl, please don't make me wear the pants, I just like controlling the zipper. Ha ha just kidding. Just about the zipper part not about the wearing the pants part.
*What are some of the little things you appreciate about your life: I wake up every morning and think "Man I love my life"
*What is your relationship with your parents: I love them. My mama is my best friend and my dad... he's okay. I'm fibbing. I just adore him.
*What is your favorite part of your job: I love everything about my job, I really don't think there is one thing I don't like.
*What is your favorite movie to watch over and over and over again: Elf! SANTA!!! I know him, I know him.
*What music are you listening to these days: A lot of country, Punk, a little R&B here and there.
*What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night: Dance the night away
*What is your favorite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon: Sleep for hours and hours
*What kind of boys are you interested in: The ones with cute faces mostly
*Do you like children: YES!! I would pop some out right now if I could but considering I need help with that and I'm supposed to wait for that help til I get married, I'll just have to wait a few years
*Have you ever eaten children: Yes that is a real question on here. If some guy asked me that on a date order the most expensive thing and then leave without eating it.
*What "bad" thing did you do as a kid that your parents never found out about: I told my parents everything when I moved out but up until then. I snuck out of my house; I was really 13 when I got my first kiss not 16. When I was in 6th grade I quit reading club to play spin the bottle at lunch, I really don't think I ever told my parents that.


Emily said...

I really love your new background but it is really hard to read. I am glad that you being to good about updating. Fun!

kylee said...

really hard to read... and brit.. dont act like you didnt give him your address and phone number too... he was a nice guy