Friday, January 1, 2010

Welcome 2010!!!

So I made a goal to be better on updating my blog for the 2 people who read it. Kiersten and and Kylee. At least they are the only 2 who ever let me know that they read my blog. Anyways, I haven't done a very good job so I guess I have a lot to catch up on. The Holidays were great. Thanksgiving and Christmas were both great. Nice and chill. I've made a lot of new friends. I'm still trying to find that group that I fit in with. I've never been one who likes hanging out with big crowds all the time and I think that's what most people do here so it's really taken me out of my comfort zone. I have met a few people that I really like and have a lot of fun with. New Years was so fun. I went with some friends up to a cabin at Mount Charleston. It was a great way to start the New Year. I was thinking about all the good and bad things that happened this year so I figured I would list some of the best things that happened to me this year...

*Going to school and living with girls. I know that probably doesn't sound like much to people but to me that was a big step. I made friendships with some of those girls that I know will last a long time. They taught me so much.
*Building a relationship with Alan, Kiersten and Brilynn. They were the biggest help to me in Idaho. Kiersten was my best friend when I was up there. I told her EVERYTHING. I don't know how she handled it sometimes. It helped having Alan around, he's always been a great example to me. It helped me to know that I had a worthy priesthood holder so close. He also taught me how to drive in the snow and laughed at me the whole time. Ha ha but I love him for it. And Brilynn... she just brought me happiness. She could put a smile on my face on the worst days. Man i love that little girl. I hope we still keep that bond even though I don't live 5 minutes away from her anymore.
*Working at Charizma. I had so much fun there and learned so much. I learned to love St. Anthony and the hicks that live in it.
*Moving to VEGAS!!! I have to say this has been the most exciting thing I've done. Living in Vegas has been so much fun. I am so excited to live here and get to know people, more experience with my job, and have a stronger relationship with the family I have here!

I am so excited for this New Year and all the NEW things that I will learn and experience!
This is my friend Eddy, he was the first person to ask me to hang out. He has been such a good friend to me!
This is Nick. Isn't he cute. I think so. He has become one of my really good friends down here.
First Pic of the New Year! From left to right: Eddy, Richard, Me, Nick, Natalie.


kylee said...

please do keep posting. i always check and there is never nothing and i love to be updated. please come visit soon

Alan and Kiersten said...

ok you totally brought tears to my eyes. i LOVED having you here and i know Bri and Alan did too! and you listened to me as much as i listened to you! and definitely keep updating! i check it all the time! i love you lots!